Hello SalaMaslahah
“Mobile Maslahah” is data connection electronic banking service provided by bank bjb syariah which can be used by customers to access their account and conduct banking transactions via mobile devices with multi platform. Features of this service include service for fund transfer, bill payment, voucher purchases, and as well as for other services that will be determined later by bank bjb syariah.
To use the application, you have to be a registered-user. You can simply do the registration process through bank bjb syariah Branches or over the application.
As a non-transactional registered user, you can only conduct non - transactional transactions such as:
1.Balance inquiry
2.Last historical transaction inquiry
3.Our product information and simulation product price
4.Find our ATM and branch location
5.Contact bjb syariah call
To be the transactional registered user, you can to do activation process over application through or come to every bank bjb syariah branches. As a transactional registered user, you can conduct all non - transactional transactions and also there following financial transactions:
1.Fund transfer to another bank bjb syariah accounts and also interbank fund transfer
For further information, please contact SalaMaslahah 1500727