Breakingviews from Thomson Reuters delivers real-time, actionable, agenda-setting commentary on the top financial news stories of the day as they break – an essential tool for the financial professional on the move brought to you by one of the most trusted news organizations in the world.
Using the Breakingviews app for the iPhone, you'll get smart, concise opinions on the latest merger deals, market swings, banking trends, policy choices, regulatory changes and more, plus a summary of the news behind each story and links to source documents, daily videos, and weekly podcasts – all via a clean, easily navigated and searchable interface.
Breakingviews, the Reuters News brand for global financial commentary, offers:
* Views you can use: Breakingviews anticipates market and stock movements with concise insight, trenchant analysis, and clear conclusions.
* Intelligence and independence: Breakingviews columnists don't tell you what’s happening; they explain why and what comes next, providing original perspective and fresh ideas.
* Speed of thought: Breakingviews reacts rapidly, publishing considered views, based on expert knowledge and thorough research, in near real-time – faster than rival services.
* Skeptical and provocative ideas: Breakingviews writers are free to take their own line. Often contrarian, they are encouraged to express sophisticated, thought-provoking opinions.
App features
You'll get:
* Breakingviews stories from around the world added throughout the day.
* Daily video hits and weekly podcasts.
* A watchlist where you can save your favorite searches.
* Alerts when new stories are published, integrated with the iPhone’s Notification Center.
* The ability to save articles for offline reading.
Please note that a Breakingviews account is required to log into the Breakingviews app for the iPhone – free trials are available at