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Calculator /w | Panload


● provides large buttons (not more than 12 buttons on screen).

● provides distinct feedbacks for the input actions.

● shows the results together with the input operands (Shows also "3 x 4" for "12").

● Thousands separators in numbers for better readability.

The calculator app on the phone provides useful calculation functions including tax calculations.

The complementary app on the watch could come in handy in some situations for several calculations including currency conversions (conversion rate must be input once manually using the EXTRA function).

On the watch only a portion of the calculator is visible at once. To reach all elements please scroll between the upper and the lower parts of the calculator. Additional pages make it possible to perform further actions.

This app provides complications in every size. One can be used to launch the app.

(Complications are small visual elements on the watch face that show important information. Examples: Weather, Battery Status)

Main features:

● Arithmetic calculations.

● Tax calculations: Tax rates: Direct input or using one of 3 user defined rates.

● Memory functions: Add to / Subtract from Memory, Memory Read and Memory Clear. (Only Phone)

● EXTRA: Set extra value from main display and define the operation (+, -, x, /). The calculator calculates the extra results automatically.

● Easy to change display precision 0-9 digits.

● Copy/paste functions. (Only Phone)

● The calculator always works with an internal precision of 15 digits (double precision), even if the display precision is set for less.
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Calc/Tax - Calculator/Tax

Author panload
Published 2015-07-08
Categories Functions, Rounding,
Views 2933