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Metal Prices | Panload

Metal Prices by Tim Kabel gives you information about copper and aluminium prices. The prices are given in accordance with closing LME price for copper and aluminium plus published DEL stock exchange quotation +1% acquisition cost for copper. The application gives you detailed information about trends and historical copper and aluminium prices since 2002. As additional information the application shows currency exchange rate EUR/USD, and metal prices can be shown in both currencies as well. The publisher does not assume any liability for information given by the application.

LME: London Metal Exchange

DEL: Deutsches Elektrolytkupfer für Leitzwecke or German Electrolytic High-Conductivity Copper

Information is divided into five sheets:

1. Daily view

2. Monthly view

3. Annual view

4. Chart view

5. Settings
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Author panload
Published 2015-06-10
Categories Price, Application,
Views 3504